What’s this fidget fuss all about? ADHD, fidget spinners, and a better fidget tool

As I was reading through social media this week, many, many post were ranting on how much teachers hate this fidget spinner thing - which is fine - but then many of these posts went on to say how bad and wrong the need to fidget is, and how people with ADHD are just making this up so that they can “play” with “toys”.


After reading the umpteenth article about this, I got fed up and recorded a video of me ranting about all of the fidget spinner ranting, why many ADHDers need fidgets, exactly how they are a helpful TOOL not a TOY, and my recommendations for more appropriate fidget tools.

Below, I’ve listed some bullet points that I make in the video. Give it a watch and let me know what you think. 

  • There is actual research that fidgets can be helpful - wake up a sleepy brain, stimulate it, helps to direct the excess energy
  • Again, there are many things that work as fidgets. You probably have a few around your house from a stress ball to nerf ball or coily keychain. Try some out and see what you think. Maybe they help you, and maybe they don't. And that's ok 
  • You might even try out this fidget friend. I honestly didn't expect to like it as I haven't really used fidget toys, or tools in the past - I usually forget them! But, since getting these, I must admit that I too always have one in my pocket. And I actually have started to use it.
  • Well, let me know if you have any questions about this fidget or anything else in the comments, and if this video was helpful to you, please like and share it, I'd greatly appreciate it. 

Also, if you are in the KC area and are interested in learning more about the Adult ADHD treatment and accountability group, click here for more info.

Thanks for watching and talk to you again soon!

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