Couples Counseling

Do you have any of these common relationship or marriage complaints?

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  • trouble communicating with each other
  • more and more arguments
  • feel more like roommates than romantic partners
  • lack of trust
  • feel like you are not on the same team anymore
  • feel like you are growing apart from each other
  • thinking more and more about divorce


Do you or your partner have ADHD/ADD? Learn more about ADHD marriage counseling.



Research studies have found that couples wait on average 5-6 years before seeking help for their relationship problems - which is unfortunate, because just like a physical illness, the sooner you get help, the easier it is to make changes. But, changes CAN still happen.

Remember when you stayed up all night talking, laughing, and having fun getting to know each other's deepest dreams? Couples counseling can help you renew your friendship and reignite the romance in your relationship or marriage.


Improve Communication and change destructive patterns

Marriage and couples counseling will give you new problem-solving tools that will help you improve your communication with each other, and help you change destructive relationship patterns. I successfully work with both of you to create a win-win solution that ends the squabbles.

Therapy can also help you with...

  • how to handle your emotions more effectively
  • how to communicate so that both of you feel heard
  • new ways to deal with that "same old argument" 
  • fun activities to deepen your friendship, passion, and romance
  • how to feel like you are on the same team again


Schedule an appointment now. Contact me...


Heal From Infidelity

An affair doesn't have to mean the end of the relationship or marriage. It is possible to stay together and work through the infidelity. I can help you work through the pain of betrayal and rebuild trust in your relationship.


Will it still work if my spouse or partner won't come with me?

Yes! Even if you are the only one to come to therapy sessions, positive changes can still happen. I am trained to help a couple improve their relationship even if only one person is present at the session.


Work with me

I am specially trained to work with couples. Many psychotherapists who say that they do "couples counseling" aren't actually trained in couples therapy and can do more harm than good. 

I am:

  • Goal oriented and focused on finding solutions - we don't muck around in the past
  • Collaborative - I work with you according to your goals and needs. You are in the driver's seat
  • Trained in the process of how to make lasting changes.